School uniform

We have a school uniform which children are required to wear. We believe this fosters a feeling of school identity and promotes a sense of pride in being part of the school community – all school uniform, must be named.

The PTA run regular second hand uniform sales on behalf of the school.  The dates are publicised in The Butler Buzz.

our uniform

Our uniform is stocked at:

Gray Palmer Ltd
47 High Street
Saffron Walden,CB 10 1AR

Phone: 01799 522159

You are welcome to buy the non-logoed elements of the uniform from other suppliers.

  • School sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
  • School polo shirt with logo (or plain white polo shirt)
  • Skirt, pinafore dress or trousers: navy blue (not jeans)
  • Shorts: navy blue (not denim or football shorts)
  • Summer dress: light blue and white check
  • Shoes: navy blue or black shoes should be close-toed and not sandals.  No light-up shoes please.
  • Socks: white, navy blue or black
  • Tights: navy blue only
  • Coats: we advise showerproof
  • Please choose a shoe fastening that is easy for your child to manage on their own
  • Please note that trainers are not part of the uniform for daily wear but are acceptable for PE


  • Where hair is long enough it should be fully tied back when in school.
  • Any hairbands used must be plain and a colour that complements the school uniform. All novelty hairbands, such as cat ears, flowers and large bows are not permitted
  • Hairstyles judged to be extreme by the Headteacher or Senior Leadership Team are not permitted

make up

Make up, including nail polish, should not be worn in school.


If your child has pierced ears they may wear one small single pair of studs. No other jewellery is permitted.  Children MUST be able to remove earrings in order to take part in PE.  Staff are not permitted to remove earrings and the school is unable to take responsibility for any jewellery that is lost. 

If you intend to have your child’s ears pierced, please be aware that unless they can remove the earrings for PE or swimming themselves, they will not be able to take part in sessions.  For safety reasons we do not allow taped up earrings in our school.  The best time to have this done is at the start of the Summer holidays so they are healed by the time the children return in September.

PE kit

Our PE kit is stocked at:

Gray Palmer Ltd
47 High Street
Saffron Walden,CB 10 1AR

Phone: 01799 522159

Only the RAB PE shirt is a compulsory item, all the other items can be purchased elsewhere.  If you do not decide to purchase these products from Gray Palmer, we request that your child wears a navy blue non-branded alternative for PE lessons. Your child can also continue to wear Kukri/Fosters PE kit if you have inherited it.

  • Compulsory RAB logo-ed PE shirt (available from Fosters)
  • Navy Blue shorts/skort
  • Navy blue socks
  • RAB or navy blue tracksuit
  • Skins – your child may choose to wear skins during the winter. These should be navy blue or black only, no bright colours
  • Trainers – dark or white, no bright colours
  • Studded boots – these are not a compulsory item, however we do recommend studded boots for tag rugby, football and hockey in the Junior School
  • Gum shields – one gum shield will be provided by the school for each Junior child to use during hockey lessons
  • Shin pads – children will require shin pads in the Junior School for football and hockey lessons/clubs
  • Swimming costume (From Year 2) – swimming trunks (not Bermuda shorts) or one piece swimsuits only
  • Cap: swimming caps are compulsory for all school children at the swimming pool

Children should come into school wearing PE kits on their PE days.


Book bags and PE bags are available through Gray Palmer. These are not compulsory, but are recommended for Reception to Y2 as we know that these book bags will fit into the children’s drawers at school.