
  • Handwriting - We believe good handwriting is the result of regular, focused and high quality teaching sessions combined with consistent high expectations across all writing. Our research shows that good handwriting supports children to be better spellers and to enable them to write with a better sentence flow. 

  • From Year 1 children are taught a cursive form of handwriting and children are encouraged to join their handwriting when they are ready to. This is usually in Year 2. 

  • Children use a pencil to write with, except in Year 5 and 6 where they use handwriting pens 

  • The RAB Writing Process has been developed to inspire children to write with passion and focus 'writing for pleasure', ably supported by strong foundations of grammar composition, sentence structure and spelling skills. Children are exposed to high quality texts and inspiring stimuli to enable them to write for a clear purpose and audience.  Drama and oracy are used to support vocabulary and the ideas generation process, as well as being a vehicle to further engage reluctant writers. Our sentence and writing progression documents show how writing develops across the school and how the golden thread of grammar and sentence structures is revisited and expanded upon in each year group to ensure children have all the skills they need for their next educational step. Children plan, draft, edit and publish their writing - taking ownership for their finished pieces.   Children feel very proud of their final pieces which are then sent on to their audience or used for their intended purpose.  Each year group has their own Writing Checklist which highlights the current writing expectations and children are regularly given smart writing targets. Reflecting on their work is an important part of the writing process and children will frequently reflect on their writing and work in pairs and groups in order to improve aspects.   

  • Grammar and punctuation – Grammar and punctuation are taught regularly and consistently from Early Years to Y6. Current expectations (linked to the year group writing checklist) are modelled in the year group’s high quality model texts. Children are supported in their learning of grammar and punctuation using differentiation as appropriate. 

  • Children are encouraged and supported to take ownership of their own learning by offering them focused next steps for their writing.  With support, they identify areas for improvement and work to demonstrate these in all of their writing. 

  • Children are taught a variety of genres of writing which are re-visited and built upon during the school year and through the key stages.